I clipped these bits from RoadRunner Magazine's June 2008 newsletter.Dr. Gregory Frazier Joins RoadRUNNER Team
Dr. Gregory W. Frazier, writer, photojournalist and motorcycle adventurer extraordinaire, has joined the RoadRUNNER Motorcycle Touring & Travel magazine team as Adventuring Editor-at-Large. Having spent nearly 40 years traveling over one million miles circling the planet, Frazier is generally considered the ultimate authority on global motorcycling.
Frazier has authored some 12 books on motorcycling and brings a rare sense of humor to his tales of adventure touring and travel. His latest book, MOTORCYCLE TOURING: Everything You Need to Know, has been described as possibly the best–selling motorcycle-touring book ever published. Although he’s no stranger to danger, Frazier admits that he hates any “… adventure that has anything to do with snakes or sharks.” Yeah, me too!
Look for Dr. Frazier’s first article in the October ’08 issue of RoadRUNNER magazine. In the meantime you can read about some of his adventures at www.horizonsunlimited.com/gregfrazier under “What’s New.”
It’s Not Too Late!
If you’re even thinking about attending
RoadRUNNER’s first ever Touring Weekend (combined with the annual Christian Neuhauser Memorial Ride) on July 10-12, 2008, make your reservations today—go to the home page of our website (
www.roadrunner.travel) or call us (336-765-7780) for the full details.
The RoadRUNNER staff has ridden both of the two major tour routes and report that they have an abundance of the two things that riders love most: curves and scenery. We hope to see you there.