Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lawn EMS Breakfast Ride-In

Last Sunday I attended the ride-to-eat event at the Lawn EMS grounds near, strangely enough, Lawn, PA.  This event is growing by leaps and bounds.  Some call it the "mini-Ephrata" and while that was formerly true, it's now more akin to the "nearly as big as Ephrata" (though with much better food and organization).  Lawn EMS & fire company is on twisty, smooth  (rare for PA) Route 241 between US 322 and Elizabethtown.  The event is held the 3rd Sunday May - Sep,  0700 - 1100, rain or shine. $10 buffet ($5 for U-12). Line up early for food! Covered area for eating. Like Ephrata, motorcycles of every style will be there.  Parking is directed and plywood squares are laid out in the grassy areas for sidestands. For addt'l info: or call 717-964-2369.  You can also search my website via the search bar at top left for my prior posts about the Lawn event.  All in all, Sunday was a brilliant (and hot) 191-mile day in the ol' saddle.

OK, this rider came a tad farther than I did.

Vintage iron

A tiny portion of the parking area

A Victory group rode in

Before factory tourers DIY ruled

No sidestand plate required

Funny, I didn't see any cafes nearby

Chow is better than you'd expect

Vendor and charity tents

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Annual Ride to Work Day

Even if you're not a regular motorcycle commuter, "git on yer bike!" next Monday the 21st for the 19th annual worldwide Ride to Work Day. This year's motorcycle and scooter commuting demonstration is expected to be triple the number of  riders on the road. According to Ride to Work, a non-profit advocacy organization: "Adding more commuting motorcycles and scooters makes urban parking easier and traffic flow better.  Studies have shown that across the same distances, riders reach their destinations faster than those using automobiles." Riding to work on this day also highlights the positive value of motorcycling.  For many people, riding is an economical, efficient and socially responsible form of mobility that saves energy, helps the environment and provides a broad range of other public benefits.

According to the United States Census Bureau and the Department of Transportation, over eighty million cars and light trucks are used for daily commuting on American roads, and although Americans own roughly 8,000,000 motorcycles, only about 200,000 motorcycles and scooters are a regular part of this mix. If you're unsure how to handle the challenges of riding to work, read this old post for a start.

Ride to Work Day, a 501 c4 nonprofit organization, can be reached at:
POB 1072, Proctor, Minnesota, 55810 USA
218 722 9806
Christine Holt
Andy Goldfine

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Great Road Signs

This thread on contains many awesome and funny road signs; go have a look and a laugh.
Image used under Creative Commons license.