Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Shipping Your Motorcycle

Things to keep in mind when shipping a motorcycle.
Your motorcycle is one of your most cherished possessions, which is why handing it over to someone else to ship can be an anxiety-ridden event. Luckily there are steps you can take to significantly decrease the chances of anything going wrong.
Perhaps the most important thing is to give yourself plenty of time. You don’t want the unnecessary stress of having to rush or miss any important steps. Next, you’ll need to decide how you want your vehicle shipped. You can choose between an open or enclosed trailer, and may have the option of door-to-door shipping. Finally, you’ll need to gather quotes and insurance information from several carriers to find the best option for you. Using a nationally reputable shipping service can help reduce the time and stress of such a task, allowing carriers to bid on your business.
Once you’ve selected a reputable shipping company that meets your needs, it’s time to begin preparing your bike for transport. Begin by checking your vehicle for pre-existing damage. By documenting the condition of your motorcycle before pick-up, you can help reduce the hassle involved should you need to file an insurance claim.
To make sure you properly document all damage:
  1. Thoroughly clean your motorcycle
  2.  Note scratches, dents, chips or any other visible damage
  3. Note any mechanical problems
  4. Photograph your motorcycle from a variety of angles, and take detailed pictures of existing damage
  5. Date all records and show them to your mover at pick-up

Now you’ll need to remove all loose items from your motorcycle. Your service provider will generally not be held liable for these items, nor if any accessories are damaged or lost.
Be sure that your vehicle is in operable condition. While the shipping company will try to avoid it at all costs, there may be a situation where they need to move or transfer your motorcycle by driving it. Prepare for this by inflating the tires, charging the battery, filling the gas tank (either ¼ or ½ full) and checking all fluid leaks. To avoid any further complications, write down any special operating instructions for the carrier.
On the scheduled delivery date, be early and prepared. Remember to have your carrier’s preferred method of payment and carefully inspect your vehicle for any damage. In most cases, your bike will arrive in its original condition. If there is any damage or disputes, follow your shipping company’s instructions for filing a claim. Insurance claims should be filed and typically settled within a few weeks.
This information was provided by Uship.com, an online shipping company designed to help you save up to 80% on motorcycle shipping by having transport companies bid on your listings. 

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Progressive International Motorcycle Show, NYC

Readers of my site who are attending the International Motorcycle Show in NYC this weekend can save $3 off the price of admission by using the code MOTOINF while buying tickets online.

The Progressive International Motorcycle Show is a great place to see the latest motorcycle news, products and bikes. Already the largest multi-city motorcycle show around, this weekend's New York event (Jan 20-22) is going to be even bigger than 2011 with more bikes, more products and more learning opportunities. All the info is available at http://www.motorcycleshows.com. The show is also a perfect opportunity to catch up on what’s happening in the future of motorcycles. Bring your riding group and bring your family because there’s something for every type of rider and enthusiast.

There are several show events to enjoy, such as the Dream Pavilion, Smage Bros Stunt Show, Ultimate Builder Custom Bike show with a $90k prize and Kawasaki Design-a-Bike. The Marketplace is a showcase to find the latest aftermarket parts and accessories for your bike, and the main exhibit floor features what’s new with your favorite motorcycle manufacturers. One of my favorite things at the IMS is sitting on as many new motorcycles as possible while going "vroom vroom vrooooom".  

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Monday, January 09, 2012

RevZilla Awesome Helmet Giveaway!

Drooling over a new high-tech motorcycle helmet such as the KBC VR4R Carbon? How much more awesome would it be if someone gave it to you? For free. Nada.  Thought so. Hurry over to RevZilla's January contest page, create your Rider Profile (all of a minute's work, if you're slow), then cross your digits and wait for the monthly winner to be drawn. The First Prize winner this month will receive the KBC VR4R Carbon helmet, valued at $341. Two Second Prize winners will receive $50 Revzilla gift certificates.

While you're on RevZilla's site, take a look around at what RevZilla has to offer the serious adventure, sport-touring or sportbiking motorcyclist. Why shop RevZilla? I can tell you why I do: fast, free shipping for orders over $39.99; TeamZilla cash back program; "no  hassle" exchanges; price match guarantee; and above all, RevZilla's top-flight reputation among riders I know for its customer service and product knowledge. Let 'em know Tilted Horizons sent ya!

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Thursday, January 05, 2012

Rolling Thru Finger Lakes Tour

The folks behind Americade, the biggest and best-run motorcycle touring rally in the world, are accepting registrations for their Finger Lakes Tour, September 13th-16th of 2012. This installment of the Rolling Thru America series looks amazing: guided rides, un-guided rides with maps supplied, support vehicle, meals at interesting places, wine-tasting, sightseeing and more. 

Attendance is capped at 98 registered participants. It's well-known what Americade does for 50,000+ touring riders, so just imagine what it can do for the lucky 98! If you're interested, don't delay as about half of the allotted slots are already filled by riders who jumped at the chance as soon as registration opened.

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Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Waffle House Grand Tour 2012

It appears various commitments will prevent me from getting away for a long-ish motorcycle tour this year, so I'm looking for closer-to-home excuses to pack on some miles. As riding to new places and greasy diner breakfasts are a few of my favorite things (cue Rogers and Hammerstein), I've registered for the Waffle House Grand Tour, which helps support Hoagy's Heroes Long Distance Charity Riders. The premise for this event is simple: ride to Waffle House locations between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2012, and shoot a verification photo at each location showing the rider's motorcycle, the rider's supplied rally flag, and the signature Waffle house sign/logo.   

Contests within the tour include: 
  • Most Waffle Houses visited
  • Most states visited
  • Farthest distance from the rider's home to a Waffle House
  • First rider to visit the original Waffle House in GA (already claimed by a rider on Jan. 1st @ 0022 EST!)
  • Most waffle houses ridden to as an Iron Butt Association Saddle Sore 1000 ride
  • Riding to at least one Waffle House every month of 2012
Lacking the free time to compete with the serious LD crowd, and living in an area with comparatively few Waffle Houses, my best chance is the "Waffle House a month" contest. I plan to hit the closest locations during the winter and save to further locations for nicer weather. My WH poison of choice being the Texas CheeseSteak, I'd better plan on ramping up (if one can ramp up from nothing) my exercise regimen in 2012.

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