Tuesday, March 25, 2014

AcesMAD Helmet Decals

Inspired by fighter pilots and college football teams, John Woods (himself victimized multiple times by L.A. traffic) recently invented a reward system for motorcyclists for successfully avoiding injurious havoc, and to help make us more conspicuous as well: Aces M.A.D. (Mayhem Averted Decals).  I happen to believe they're kinda fun, too.  These highly reflective, removable vinyl decals stick well on a helmet's curved surfaces, and are only $4.99 for a sheet of 20 representing such enemies as cars, SUVs, trucks, pedestrians, cell phone users, bicyclists, animals and yes, even other riders. I haven't been able to get many miles in during this awful record-breaking-snow winter we're having in the northeast, but already one side of my helmet displays quite a few; that's commuting duty for ya! (Maybe I need a second set.)  Judging by the lingering glances from cagers at stop lights, they understand what the stickers represent; perhaps these drivers will be a bit more aware of motorcycles in future, or am I giving them too much credit? Get yours today at AcesMAD's website and begin rewarding yourself for dodging those bogeys!
My awards so far.

Just as bright as the SOLAS tape on the bottom edge.

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